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Ultimate devar list

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Crazy Gamer
Crazy Gamer

Posted Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:48 am

Ultimate devar list  94d2883fd9919de74ecc4890eddab85e

Big list of random dvar's to help you guys customise your own patch's enjoy

PERKS Tier 1

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletDamage", "" ); //Stopping Power -999bad
self setClientDvar( "perk_armorVest", "" ); //Jugga 999bad
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapRateMultiplier", "" ); //Double Tap 0.001good
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapReloadMultiplier", "" ); //Sleight of Hand 0.001good
self setClientDvar( "perk_explosiveDamage", "" ); //Sonic boom -999bad[/spoil]

PERKS Tier 2

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier", "" ); //Deep Impact 999good
self setClientDvar( "perk_extraBreath", "" ); //Iron Lungs 999good
self setClientDvar( "perk_sprintMultiplier", "" ); //Extreme Conditioning 999good
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapSpreadMultiplier", "" ); //Steady Aim 0.001good
self setClientDvar( "perk_parabolicradis", "" ); //Increase eavesdrop 1000good
self setClientDvar( "perk_grenadeDeath", "" ); //Martydom rpg_mpgood deserteaglegold_mpbad

CLASS Colours

To get the colored classes to change you need to switch your button layout to "default" then flash your night vision (DPAD UP).

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "customclass1", "^1Custom Class 1" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass2", "^2Custom Class 2" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass3", "^3Custom Class 3" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass4", "^4Custom Class 4" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass5", "^6Custom Class 5" );


[spoil]self setClientDvar( "cg_scoreboardPingText", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars", "9");
self setClientDvar( "cg_ScoresPing_Interval", "40");
self setClientDvar("cg_ScoresPing_LowColor", "0 0.68 1 1");
self setClientDvar("cg_ScoresPing_HighColor", "0 0 1 1");


[spoil]self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_range", "255" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_height", "480" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_width", "640" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_lerp" , 100 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_height" , 480 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoAimRangeScale" , 2 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_debug" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_height" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_strength" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_deflection" , 0.05 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_debug" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_enabled" , 1 );[/spoil]


[spoil]self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeOut", "900000" ); //Show enemies names constantly
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeIn", "0" ); //same as above
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawThroughWalls", "1" ); //Show player names through walls
self setclientDvar( "compassSize", "1.5" ); //Increased map size
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compass", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compass_show_enemies", "1" ); //always show enemies
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_forceuav", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compassRadarUpdateTime", "0.001" );
self setClientDvar( "compassFastRadarUpdateTime", "2" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_footsteps", "1" );

FPS Counter

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "cg_drawFPS" , "Simple" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawFPSLabels" , "1" );[/spoil]

Force HOst

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "party_iamhost", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "party_hostmigration", 0);
self setClientDvar( "party_connectToOthers", 0);[/spoil]

Online Game

[spoil]setDvar("scr_forcerankedmatch" , 1 );
setDvar( "onlinegame" , "1" );[/spoil]

Low Ammo

[spoil]self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningColor1", "0 0 1 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningColor2", "1 0 0 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1", "0 0 1 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2", "1 0 0 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1", "0 0 1 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2", "1 0 0 1");

Give Gun

[spoil]self GiveWeapon( "deserteaglegold_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );[/spoil]

Shoot Bricks

[spoil]precacheItem("brick_blaster_mp"); //Put this in init()
self giveWeapon("brick_blaster_mp"); //Put this in onPlayerSpawned()[/spoil]


[spoil]self setClientDvar( "cg_tracerSpeed", "0050" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_tracerwidth", "9" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_tracerlength", "999" );[/spoil]


[spoil]self setClientDvar( "r_znear" , "35" );[/spoil]


[spoil]self setClientDvar("r_fullbright", 0);
self setClientDvar( "r_specularmap", 2);[/spoil]


[spoil]self setClientDvar("r_fullbright", 1);[/spoil]

Flash/stuns no effect

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "cg_drawShellshock" , "0" );[/spoil]


[spoil]self setClientDvar( "cg_laserForceOn" , "1" );[/spoil]

Red GT in pregame

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "cg_scoreboardMyColor", "0.8 0 0 1");[/spoil]

Auto m16

[spoil]player_burstFireCooldown "0"[/spoil]

Edit map name/game type

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "ui_mapname", "^5Free Noodel Dump");
self setClientDvar( "ui_gametype", "^1By:^2 Your Dads Ass" );[/spoil]

Shoot choppers down easy

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_maxhealth", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_turret_engage_dist", "9999" );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_visual_range", "500" );

Unlimited chopper ammo

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_targeting_delay", 0.0001 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_turretClipSize", 9999 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_turretReloadTime", 0.0001 );[/spoil]

Disable frags

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "scr_weapon_allowfrags", 0 );[/spoil]


[spoil]setDvar("timescale", "0.5");[/spoil]


[spoil]setDvar("friction", "0.1");[/spoil]

Unlimited ammo

[spoil]setDvar("player_sustainAmmo", 1 );[/spoil]

Fall Damage

[spoil]self setClientdvar( "bg_fallDamageMinHeight", "9999" );
self setclientdvar( "bg_fallDamageMinHeight", "9998" );
self setclientdvar( "jump_height", "999" );[/spoil]


[spoil]self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_deatht", 50000 );//Neg -
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_suicidepointloss", 1 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_suicide", 5000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_sd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_deatht", 2516000 );[/spoil]

No sniper recoil

[spoil]self setClientDvar( "player_breath_hold_time", "30" );
self setClientDvar( "player_breath_gasp_lerp", "0.001" );
self setClientDvar( "player_breath_gasp_time", "0.001" );
self setClientDvar( "player_breath_gasp_scale", "1" );[/spoil]


self endon ("death");
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "rank", 55 );
for(p=0; p<=11; p++)
self waittill( "grenade_pullback" );
self iPrintln( "Prestige "+p+" - Rank 55" );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "plevel", p );
self doPrestige();


self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
wait 1;
self iPrintln( "^1MarcusBankz" );
wait 1;
self iPrintln( "^3Press [{+frag}] For Prestige Toggle!" );
wait 1;
self iPrintln( "^7Press [{+attack}] While in Prone to Toggle Promod!" );
wait 1;
self iPrintln( "^2Press [{weapnext}] To Toggle Legit/Insane Stats!" );
wait 1;

Unlock all

self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^2Completing ^1All ^2Challenges ^1Please ^2Wait");
self.challengeData = [];
for ( i = 1; i <= level.numChallengeTiers; i++ )
tableName = "mp/challengetable_tier"+i+".csv";

for( idx = 1; isdefined( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) ) && tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) != ""; idx++ )
refString = tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 7 );

level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 4 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 3 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 2 ) );
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] , 255);
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] , level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"]);
wait 0.01;
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1All ^3Challenges ^1Unlocked, ^3Unlocking ^2Cammos And Attachments");
attachment[0] = "grip";
attachment[1] = "gl";
attachment[2] = "acog";
attachment[3] = "silencer";
attachment[4] = "reflex";
for( n=0; n<8; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
if(n < 5)
attachey = attachment[n];
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::unlockAttachment( attachmentunlocker );
attachey = tablelookup( "mp/attachmentTable.csv", 0, n, 4 );
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::unlockCamo( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^2Everything Unlocked!");

Shoot airstrikes

self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
eye = self getTagOrigin("tag_eye");
end = self thread maps\mp\_utility::vector_scale(anglestoforward(self getplayerangles()), 10000);
plane = spawn( "script_model", eye );
plane setModel( "vehicle_mig29_desert" );
plane.angles = self getPlayerAngles();
plane moveTo( end, 2.1);


Toggle pro mod

self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );

self waittill( "begin_firing" );
if (self GetStance() == "prone")
self setclientdvar ("cg_gun_x", "5");
self iPrintLnBold("^1Real Promod!");
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
if (self GetStance() == "prone")
self setclientdvar ("cg_gun_x", "6");
self iPrintLnBold("^3Extended Promod!");

Toggle stats

self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
self waittill("weapon_change");
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "total_hits", 2100000000 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "hits", 2140000000 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "misses", 0 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "accuracy", 2140000000 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "score", 3000000 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "kills", 2140000000 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "deaths", 0 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "time_played_total", 290000 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "kill_streak", 12000 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "win_streak", 12000 );
self iPrintlnBold("^5 Insane ^2Stats!");

self waittill("weapon_change");
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "total_hits", 125773 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "hits", 125773 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "misses", 370447 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "accuracy", 13 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "score", 3203511 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "kills", 165899 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "deaths", 44231 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "time_played_total", 60 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "kill_streak", 85 );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "win_streak", 115 );
self iPrintlnBold("^2 Legit ^5Stats!");

Kill streak on spawn.

[spoil]maps\mp\gametypes\_hardpoints::giveHardpointItem( "radar_mp" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_hardpoints::giveHardpointItem( "airstrike_mp" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_hardpoints::giveHardpointItem( "helicopter_mp" );[/spoil]


self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );

self waittill( "weapon_change" );
self beginLocationselection( "map_artillery_selector", level.artilleryDangerMaxRadius * 1.2 );
self.selectingLocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
newLocation = PhysicsTrace( location + ( 0, 0, 1000 ), location - ( 0, 0, 1000 ) );
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self iPrintln( "^6You Teleported !" );
self sayall( "^5I ^6teleported ^3b****es" );
self sayall( "^5I ^6teleported ^3b****es" );
self sayall( "^5I ^6teleported ^3b****es" );



self endon ( "death" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );

for (;Wink

self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
visionSetNaked( "cheat_invert", 4.2 );
self iPrintlnBold(" invert !");
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( " contrast!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_invert_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "invert contrast !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130_inverted", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "Ac130 Inverted !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "sepia", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "sepia !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "mpoutro", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Outro" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cargoship_blast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "^0BLAST !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "grayscale", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "black and white !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_chaplinnight", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "WOW" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "bog_a_sunrise", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "BOO !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "black_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "film !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "same !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "cool!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Ac130 !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "default", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "default" );

Kamikaze bomber

self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self beginLocationselection( "map_artillery_selector", level.artilleryDangerMaxRadius * 1.2 );
self.selectingLocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
newLocation = PhysicsTrace( location + ( 0, 0, 100 ), location - ( 0, 0, 100 ) );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self iPrintlnBold("^3Kamikaze Bomber Inbound");
wait 2.5;
Kamikaze = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(24000,15000,25000) );
Kamikaze setModel( "vehicle_mig29_desert" );
Location = newLocation;
Angles = vectorToAngles( Location - (self.origin+(8000,5000,10000)));
Kamikaze.angles = Angles;
wait( 0.15 );
self thread KillEnt(Kamikaze, 4);
wait( 0.15 );
Kamikaze moveto(Location, 3.5);
wait 3.6;
Kamikaze playSound( "exp_suitcase_bomb_main" );
playFx( level._effect[ "cloud" ], Kamikaze.origin+(0,0,200));
level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"] = loadfx ("explosions/aerial_explosion");
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin);
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(400,0,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(0,400,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(400,400,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(0,0,400));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin-(400,0,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin-(0,400,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin-(400,400,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(0,0,800));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(200,0,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(0,200,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(200,200,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(0,0,200));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin-(200,0,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin-(0,200,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin-(200,200,0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], Kamikaze.origin+(0,0,200));
Earthquake( 0.4, 4, Kamikaze.origin, 800 );
RadiusDamage( Kamikaze.origin, 1000, 800, 1, self );

KillEnt( ent, time )
wait time;
ent delete();

Disco fog

//Flashing Vision which is just fog.
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 0, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 1, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 0, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 1, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.8, 0, 0.6, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 1, 0.6, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 1, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 0, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.2, 1, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 0.4, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 1, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.6, 0, 0.4, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 0, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 1, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.6, 1, 0.6, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 0, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 1, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 0, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 1, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.8, 0, 0.6, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 1, 0.6, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 1, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 0, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.2, 1, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 0.4, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.4, 1, 1, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.6, 0, 0.4, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 0, 0.8, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 1, 1, 0, 0);
wait .1;
SetExpFog(256, 512, 0.6, 1, 0.6, 0);


Cod4 AC130

self endon("death");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Ac-130 Active!");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press [{+frag}] To Change Cannons!");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "0" );
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "1");
wait 0.1;
self air(1500);
self thread ac130_death();
self thread doAc130105mmHUD();
self thread ac130weapons();
self thread ac130timer();
wait 60;
self suicide();
self setOrigin(self.origin+(0,0,jump));
self waittill("death");
self notify("DESTROY");
self notify("DELETE");
self notify("NULL");
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "800");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "1" );
self thread ac130boxleftvert();
self thread ac130boxrightvert();
self thread ac130boxtophorz();
self thread ac130boxbottomhorz();
self thread ac130topline();
self thread ac130bottomline();
self thread ac130leftline();
self thread ac130rightline();
self thread ac130topleftleft();
self thread ac130toplefttop();
self thread ac130toprightright();
self thread ac130toprighttop();
self thread ac130bottomleftleft();
self thread ac130bottomleftbottom();
self thread ac130bottomrightright();
self thread ac130bottomrightbottom();

ac130boxleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxleftvert.x = -30;
ac130boxleftvert.y = 0;
ac130boxleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxleftvert destroy();

ac130boxrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxrightvert.x = 30;
ac130boxrightvert.y = 0;
ac130boxrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxrightvert destroy();

ac130boxtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxtophorz.x = 0;
ac130boxtophorz.y = -25;
ac130boxtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxtophorz destroy();

ac130boxbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac130boxbottomhorz.y = 25;
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxbottomhorz destroy();

ac130topline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topline.x = 0;
ac130topline.y = -50;
ac130topline.alignX = "center";
ac130topline.alignY = "middle";
ac130topline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topline.foreground = true;
ac130topline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130topline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topline destroy();

ac130bottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomline.x = 0;
ac130bottomline.y = 50;
ac130bottomline.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomline.foreground = true;
ac130bottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130bottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomline destroy();

ac130leftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130leftline.x = -64.5;
ac130leftline.y = 0;
ac130leftline.alignX = "center";
ac130leftline.alignY = "middle";
ac130leftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130leftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130leftline.foreground = true;
ac130leftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130leftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130leftline destroy();

ac130rightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130rightline.x = 64;
ac130rightline.y = 0;
ac130rightline.alignX = "center";
ac130rightline.alignY = "middle";
ac130rightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130rightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130rightline.foreground = true;
ac130rightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130rightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130rightline destroy();

ac130topll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topll.x = -125;
ac130topll.y = -87;
ac130topll.alignX = "center";
ac130topll.alignY = "middle";
ac130topll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topll.foreground = true;
ac130topll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130topll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topll destroy();

ac130toplt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toplt.x = -110;
ac130toplt.y = -100;
ac130toplt.alignX = "center";
ac130toplt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toplt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toplt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toplt.foreground = true;
ac130toplt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toplt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toplt destroy();

ac130toprr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprr.x = 125;
ac130toprr.y = -87;
ac130toprr.alignX = "center";
ac130toprr.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprr.foreground = true;
ac130toprr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130toprr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprr destroy();

ac130toprt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprt.x = 110;
ac130toprt.y = -100;
ac130toprt.alignX = "center";
ac130toprt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprt.foreground = true;
ac130toprt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toprt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprt destroy();

ac130bottomll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomll.x = -125;
ac130bottomll.y = 87;
ac130bottomll.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomll.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomll.foreground = true;
ac130bottomll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomll destroy();

ac130bottomlb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomlb.x = -110;
ac130bottomlb.y = 100;
ac130bottomlb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomlb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomlb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomlb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomlb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomlb destroy();

ac130bottomrr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrr.x = 125;
ac130bottomrr.y = 87;
ac130bottomrr.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrr.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomrr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrr destroy();

ac130bottomrb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrb.x = 110;
ac130bottomrb.y = 100;
ac130bottomrb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomrb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrb destroy();

self thread Ac13040mmtopline();
self thread Ac13040mmbottomline();
self thread Ac13040mmleftline();
self thread Ac13040mmrightline();
self thread Ac13040mmtophorz();
self thread Ac13040mmbottomhorz();
self thread Ac13040mmleftvert();
self thread Ac13040mmrightvert();
self thread Ac13040mmmidtophorz();
self thread Ac13040mmmidbottomhorz();
self thread Ac13040mmmidleftvert();
self thread Ac13040mmmidrightvert();

ac13040mmtopline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmtopline.x = 0;
ac13040mmtopline.y = -70;
ac13040mmtopline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmtopline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmtopline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmtopline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmtopline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmtopline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 2, 125);
ac13040mmtopline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmtopline destroy();

ac13040mmbottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmbottomline.x = 0;
ac13040mmbottomline.y = 70;
ac13040mmbottomline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmbottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmbottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmbottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 2, 125);
ac13040mmbottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmbottomline destroy();

ac13040mmleftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmleftline.x = -85;
ac13040mmleftline.y = 0;
ac13040mmleftline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmleftline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmleftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmleftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmleftline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmleftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 115, 4);
ac13040mmleftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmleftline destroy();

ac13040mmrightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmrightline.x = 85;
ac13040mmrightline.y = 0;
ac13040mmrightline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmrightline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmrightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmrightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmrightline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmrightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 115, 4);
ac13040mmrightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmrightline destroy();

ac13040mmtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmtophorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmtophorz.y = -118;
ac13040mmtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmtophorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 30, 3);
ac13040mmtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmtophorz destroy();

ac13040mmbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmbottomhorz.y = 118;
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 30, 3);
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmbottomhorz destroy();

ac13040mmleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmleftvert.x = -142;
ac13040mmleftvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmleftvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 30);
ac13040mmleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmleftvert destroy();

ac13040mmrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmrightvert.x = 142;
ac13040mmrightvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmrightvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 30);
ac13040mmrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmrightvert destroy();

ac13040mmmidtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidtophorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmmidtophorz.y = -69;
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 20, 3);
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidtophorz destroy();

ac13040mmmidbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.y = 69;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 20, 3);
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz destroy();

ac13040mmmidleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidleftvert.x = -81;
ac13040mmmidleftvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 20);
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidleftvert destroy();

ac13040mmmidrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidrightvert.x = 81;
ac13040mmmidrightvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 20);
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidrightvert destroy();

self thread ac13020mmbottomline();
self thread ac13020mmleftline();
self thread ac13020mmrightline();
self thread ac13020mmtopleftleft();
self thread ac13020mmtoplefttop();
self thread ac13020mmtoprightright();
self thread ac13020mmtoprighttop();
self thread ac13020mmbottomleftleft();
self thread ac13020mmbottomleftbottom();
self thread ac13020mmbottomrightright();
self thread ac13020mmbottomrightbottom();
self thread ac13020mmarrow1vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow1horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow2vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow2horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow3vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow3horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow4vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow4horz();

ac13020mmbottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmbottomline.x = 0;
ac13020mmbottomline.y = 20;
ac13020mmbottomline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmbottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmbottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmbottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmbottomline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmbottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 50);
ac13020mmbottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmbottomline destroy();

ac13020mmleftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmleftline.x = -25;
ac13020mmleftline.y = 0;
ac13020mmleftline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmleftline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmleftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmleftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmleftline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmleftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 42, 3);
ac13020mmleftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmleftline destroy();

ac13020mmrightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmrightline.x = 25;
ac13020mmrightline.y = 0;
ac13020mmrightline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmrightline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmrightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmrightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmrightline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmrightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 42, 3);
ac13020mmrightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmrightline destroy();

ac130topll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topll.x = -75;
ac130topll.y = -47;
ac130topll.alignX = "center";
ac130topll.alignY = "middle";
ac130topll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topll.foreground = true;
ac130topll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130topll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130topll destroy();

ac130toplt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toplt.x = -60;
ac130toplt.y = -60;
ac130toplt.alignX = "center";
ac130toplt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toplt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toplt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toplt.foreground = true;
ac130toplt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toplt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toplt destroy();

ac130toprr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprr.x = 75;
ac130toprr.y = -47;
ac130toprr.alignX = "center";
ac130toprr.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprr.foreground = true;
ac130toprr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130toprr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toprr destroy();

ac130toprt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprt.x = 60;
ac130toprt.y = -60;
ac130toprt.alignX = "center";
ac130toprt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprt.foreground = true;
ac130toprt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toprt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toprt destroy();

ac130bottomll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomll.x = -75;
ac130bottomll.y = 47;
ac130bottomll.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomll.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomll.foreground = true;
ac130bottomll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomll destroy();

ac130bottomlb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomlb.x = -60;
ac130bottomlb.y = 60;
ac130bottomlb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomlb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomlb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomlb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomlb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomlb destroy();

ac130bottomrr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrr.x = 75;
ac130bottomrr.y = 47;
ac130bottomrr.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrr.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomrr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomrr destroy();

ac130bottomrb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrb.x = 60;
ac130bottomrb.y = 60;
ac130bottomrb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomrb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomrb destroy();

ac13020mmarrow1vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow1vert.x = 10;
ac13020mmarrow1vert.y = 12;
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow1vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow1vert destroy();

ac13020mmarrow1horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow1horz.x = 15;
ac13020mmarrow1horz.y = 8;
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow1horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow1horz destroy();

ac13020mmarrow2vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow2vert.x = 15;
ac13020mmarrow2vert.y = 17;
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow2vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow2vert destroy();

ac13020mmarrow2horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow2horz.x = 20;
ac13020mmarrow2horz.y = 13;
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow2horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow2horz destroy();

ac13020mmarrow3vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow3vert.x = 20;
ac13020mmarrow3vert.y = 22;
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow3vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow3vert destroy();

ac13020mmarrow3horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow3horz.x = 25;
ac13020mmarrow3horz.y = 18;
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow3horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow3horz destroy();

ac13020mmarrow4vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow4vert.x = 25;
ac13020mmarrow4vert.y = 27;
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow4vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow4vert destroy();

ac13020mmarrow4horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow4horz.x = 30;
ac13020mmarrow4horz.y = 23;
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow4horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow4horz destroy();

self endon("death");
self.ac130weapon = "1";
if(self.ac130weapon == 1)
self thread ac130105mm();
self thread doAc130105mmHUD();
self notify("NULL");
wait 1;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self.ac130weapon = "2";
if(self.ac130weapon == 2)
self thread ac13040mm();
self thread doAc13040mmHUD();
self notify("DESTROY");
wait 1;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self.ac130weapon = "3";
if(self.ac130weapon == 3)
self thread ac13020mm();
self thread doAc13020mmHUD();
self notify("DELETE");
wait 2;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");

self endon ("death");
self.ac130weapon = "1";
self iPrintln("^5105mm Cannon Ready For Action!");
self takeallweapons();
self GiveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self switchToWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "1")
self iPrintln("^1Arming 105mm Cannon!");
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
wait 2;
self iPrintln("^2Gun Ready!");

self endon ("death");
self.ac130weapon = "2";
self iPrintln("^340mm Cannon Ready For Action!");
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "2")
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
self playsound("mpl_sd_exp_suitcase_bomb_main");
wait 0.7;

self endon("death");
self.ac130weapon = "3";
self iPrintln("^220mm Gun Ready For Action!");
self takeallweapons();
self GiveWeapon( "ak47_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self switchToWeapon( "ak47_mp" );
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "3")
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];

ac130timer( duration )
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] = newClientHudElem( self );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].x = -100;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].y = 20;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignX = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignY = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].horzAlign = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].vertAlign = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].font = "objective";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].fontScale = 2.5;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( 60.0 );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alpha = 1.0;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( duration );
self waittill( "death" );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] destroy();

Map/load screen

[spoil]mp_backlot loadscreen_mp_backlot
mp_citystreets loadscreen_mp_citystreets


This topic has pass over 10Days without a reply there for Closed and moved.




Posted Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:31 pm

man nick your a wizard lol so much knowledge in ur fat head hahaha jk ur awesome



Crazy Gamer
Crazy Gamer

Posted Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:33 am

hahahaha thanx dude




Posted Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:34 am

Nice copy and paste Wink



Crazy Gamer
Crazy Gamer

Posted Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:41 am

God wrote:Nice copy and paste Wink
ahaha thanx



Crazy Gamer
Crazy Gamer

Posted Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:42 am

God wrote:Nice copy and paste Wink
thanx for being gay and giveing me negative rep theres a reason they took it off ttg because people like you abuse it




Posted Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:47 am

uMadxD_jr wrote:
God wrote:Nice copy and paste Wink
thanx for being gay and giveing me negative rep theres a reason they took it off ttg because people like you abuse it
How am I abusing it? I give you Negative rep because you Copy and Pasted someones work and didn't give them credit.

BTW, enjoy being taken off of Admin Wink



Crazy Gamer
Crazy Gamer

Posted Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:04 am

God wrote:
uMadxD_jr wrote:
God wrote:Nice copy and paste Wink
thanx for being gay and giveing me negative rep theres a reason they took it off ttg because people like you abuse it
How am I abusing it? I give you Negative rep because you Copy and Pasted someones work and didn't give them credit.

BTW, enjoy being taken off of Admin Wink
iwasent even admin also thats not up to you ima takeing this to auqa




Posted Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:10 am

uMadxD_jr wrote:
God wrote:
uMadxD_jr wrote:
God wrote:Nice copy and paste Wink
thanx for being gay and giveing me negative rep theres a reason they took it off ttg because people like you abuse it
How am I abusing it? I give you Negative rep because you Copy and Pasted someones work and didn't give them credit.

BTW, enjoy being taken off of Admin Wink
iwasent even admin also thats not up to you ima takeing this to auqa
Good luck on that Wink

Have fun with yourself

P.S. Might wanna check out your profile Very Happy




Posted Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:52 am


This topic has pass over 10Days without a reply there for Closed and moved.


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